2013/14:1 UTGIFTSOMRÅDE 2 BILAGA. 14. Tabell 3.2 Antalet anställda och andelen kvinnor och män i procent 2011 och 2012 fördelade efter COFOG-grupper.


Korsklassificering av ICHA-HC & SNA93 klassifikationer 8 COFOG 07: Hälso- och sjukvård 9 COICOP 06: Hälso- och sjukvård 10 COICOP 12.4: Socialt skydd 

június 25.) a Közösségi nemzeti és regionális számlák európai rendszeréről In COFOG group 10.2 Old age the rise of €2.8 bn in the year 2020 was mainly due to the increase of old-age pensions. Expenditure in COFOG group 10.4 Family and children rose by €1.0 bn in 2020. This can be mainly attributed to expenditure for the family allowance child bonus and the family hardship compensation in the context of COVID -19 and to higher expenditure for family allowances. The navigation menu provides access to a collection's main sections, such as the members list, its description, etc. GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURE BY FUNCTION (COFOG) Contact; Contact organisation: National Statistical Institute. Contact organisation unit: Non-financial National and Regional Accounts.


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Allmänna offentliga tjänster, 1. 2. Försvar, 2. 3. Samhällsskydd och rättsskipning, 3. 4. Lisäksi palveluluokituksessa otetaan huomioon olemassa oleva julkisyhteisöjen tehtäväluokitus COFOG (ks.

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COFOG består av 10 huvudändamål (som i sin tur bryts ned till totalt ca 80 ändamål). I parentes anges exempel på myndigheter som ingår: 1. Allmänna offentliga tjänster (ESV, Regeringskansliet, Statskontoret) 2.

Government expenditures by function (COFOG) Government expenditures serve a wide range of purposes, such as providing health care, education and justice services to the population, and maintaining public order and safety.

OSFMO Mobilazation Frequencies. COFOG Interface Frequency Plan. COFOG Standard Frequency Guide. COFOG Standard Terminology.


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Contact email address COFOG stands for Classification of the Functions of Government Abbreviation is mostly used in categories: Government Classification Statistics Economics Expenditure Rating: 2 2019-08-21 COFOG Azonosító: 0950 Megnevezés: A kormányzati kiadások funkciók szerinti osztályozása Rövid megnevezés: COFOG Jogi alap (Forrás): • A Tanács 2223/96/EK rendelete (1996. június 25.) a Közösségi nemzeti és regionális The revision of COFOG is being undertaken by the OECD at the request of the Inter Secretarial Working Group on National Accounts. A first draft of the revised classification was presented at the joint UNECE-OECD-Eurostat Meeting of National Accounts Experts in Geneva in May 1996. This dataset provides a comprehensive view of the functions, or socioeconomic objectives, that government aims to achieve through various kinds of expenditure, comprising detailed classifications of general public service, defense, public order and safety, economic affairs, environment protection, housing and community services, health, recreation, culture and religion, education, and social and indicate whether COFOG .
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Vuonna 1865 perustettu Tilastokeskus on ainoa suomalainen viranomainen, joka on perustettu tilastointia varten. Se tuottaa valtaosan Suomen virallisista tilastoista ja on tilastoalan merkittävä kansainvälinen toimija.

årlig. Offentliga myndigheters konsumtionsutgifter (ENS2010) efter ändamål COFOG. År 1993 - 2018. Välj variabel; Om tabellen.

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COFOG level II data. The provision of COFOG level II data has become compulsory with the introduction of ESA 2010. The development of COFOG level II data is not completed in many Member States and data needs to be looked at with this in consideration. Satellite accounts.

Vad betyder cofog? Förklaring till cofog! Classification of the Functions of Government. Detta är en internationell klassifikation som grupperar offentliga sektorns utgifter efter deras funktion eller ändamål. Annons: Söktermer: definition av cofog, cofog uppslagsverk, betydelse cofog, vad betyder cofog, cofog exempel, cofog ekonomilexikon,annat The Classification of the Functions of Government (COFOG) was developed by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development and published by the United Nations Statistical Division. It can be applied to government expense and the net acquisition of nonfinancial assets.

COFOG Response Plans/Documents. MA Response Plan. CO MCI Plan. COFOG Evacuation Plan. FEMA Resource Typing. Conflag Resource Typing. DC911 Radio Terminology. CO Radio Frequency List. OSFMO Mobilazation Frequencies. COFOG Interface Frequency Plan. COFOG Standard Frequency Guide. COFOG Standard Terminology. COFOG Accountability System. MACC Plan

Page by. Manual on sources and methods for the compilation of COFOG statistics — Classification of the Functions of Government (COFOG) — 2019 edition. 6 Months  Classification of the Functions of Government (COFOG) is a classification defined by the United Nations Statistics Division. Its purpose is to “classify the purpose of   Classification of the Functions of Government (COFOG) is a classification defined by the United Nations Statistics Division.

02 Defence, 20. 03 Public order and safety, 38. COFOG is a comprehensive international standard classification of public expenditure broken down by main purpose. This includes Defence, other items are for  22 Jan 2021 Government Finance Statistics (GFS), Expenditure by Function of Government ( COFOG) [GFSCOFOG] · Code: GFSCOFOG · Temporal Coverage:  COFOG functions, Name of COFOG functions, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019. G0101, Executive and legislative organs, financial  COFOG (Classification of the Functions of Government) international COFOG is one of the four classifications of expenditure according to purpose (functional. Government Finance Statistics (GFS), Expenditure by Function of Government ( COFOG). Source: International Monetary Fund · Expenditure,; Government  Estimación del desglose del gasto en educación en COFOG.